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    Marsh’s Gaia Sege design software ensures optimum performance


    Gaia Sege besoke process management design software

    To make designing, specifying and purchasing sewage treatment plants as easy, fail-safe and cost-effective as possible, Marsh Industries has developed and launched a bespoke design and quotation programme, Gaia Sege©, that allows merchants, contractors, specifiers and clients to quickly design a system that will not only suit all of their specification and performance requirements, but will also comply with all relevant industry, environmental and legal requirements.

    Using key process parameters Gaia Sege will design an accurate system that optimises processing capacity in an efficient and cost-effective way. Marsh Industries, specialists in off-mains drainage supply, estimates that this processing optimisation can reduce installation costs by as much as 25%, with additional health and safety benefits for installers. The system is perfect for designing off-mains schemes in residential, industrial, education, leisure, amenity and health settings.

    A simple linear click and select process guides users through the procedure and the result is a professional presented design, spec and quotation document which includes loadings, drawings, certification and specific design features for the site.

    As well as designing exceptionally cost effective and safe off-mains schemes, Marsh’s Gaia Sege systems will comply with the regulatory bodies’ exacting final effluent standards, even for SSSI sites. It uses industry standard data to calculate initial loadings and flows, and peak flows for ammonia, plus total suspended solids (TSS) & biological oxygen demand (BOD) levels. Once the system parameters have been input, Gaia Sege allows users to select the final performance needed on site to reduce tankering and long-term running costs.

    “Specifying an off-mains system may not be something that many merchants, specifiers and contractors have to do every day, and designing an efficient and compliant system is a complex business,” says Marsh’s Steve Boyer. “This unique system makes the process much simpler. Users can go through a simple click and select process and we will produce a bespoke, professional design and quotation back with all the information you need for a straightforward and cost-effective project.”

    The system can be accessed by visiting or you can find out more on our Gaia Sege page. The system is also backed by Marsh’s team of experienced design and engineering technicians.