MARSH NATURAL SOLUTIONS™ Phosphate reduction without chemical dosing Find out more



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    Advanced sewage treatment plant

    Our news

    Keep up to date with Marsh Industries

    ‘Team Marsh’ are in the driving seat!


    Marsh Industries are competing in the Pavestone Rally

    2017 has been an amazing year so far for Marsh Industries. We have expanded our range of products, increased the size of our factories and added new people to Team Marsh.

    We are very proud of our team and their dedication to making the best products available to the water and wastewater treatment markets, and this year we have also set out to make a concerted difference to others.

    The Marsh Merchant Appeal has seen hundreds of mini septic tanks popping up all over the country, allowing our merchants and customers to collect for their own charities. And of course, as a thank you for promoting Team Marsh, we contribute to their charities too!

    Several of our staff have individually raised money for their personal favourite charities this year and we are delighted with what they have achieved on their own accord.

    Our Managing Director, Steve Boyer, is always leading from the front and has taken up the charitable challenge too. Along with Jon Bradley and Lydia Boyer he is entering the Pavestone Rally in aid of Teenage Cancer Trust and the Rainy Day Trust. They have restored an old (£500) Toyota Celica and will be traveling to Monte Carlo via eight countries in four days. Our plan is to raise over £5000 for these two very worthy causes. If you would like to support us, please click on the following link

    Donate to Team Marsh

    Please join us and get behind this fantastic cause - one which undoubtedly touches many young family's lives across the UK.

    Thank you once again for your continued support.