MARSH NATURAL SOLUTIONS™ Phosphate reduction without chemical dosing Find out more



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    Advanced sewage treatment plant

    RainCell™ domestic rainwater harvesting

    Rainwater harvesting system for the home and garden

    Happily for everyone the Marsh Raincell is the simplest, most reliable and cost-effective household domestic rainwater harvesting system on the market.

    With storage capacities up to 6000 litres the Raincell system accommodates most household roof sizes and effectively distributes clean recycled rainwater to the home or garden, allowing you to save up to 50% of your metered water costs.

    Harvest up to 55% of your water needs

    The chart below shows a rough breakdown of water use within a typical household. It also gives you an idea of how much is harvestable.

    Harvestable rainwater

    System options for household rainwater harvesting

    RainCell Garden
    For outdoor use including garden irrigation, washing cars and windows and cleaning drives and patios.

    RainCell Home & Garden
    In addition to outdoor use ‘Home’ system also provides soft, limescale-free water for flushing toilets and feeding washing machines.

    RainCell household rainwater harvesting system