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    Advanced sewage treatment plant

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    Septic tank 2020 general binding rules – the clock is ticking


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    The clock is ticking - Does your property have a septic tank that discharges into a ditch, stream or river? Then you MUST upgrade to a full sewage treatment plant system by 1st January 2020 - or sooner if you are planning to sell your house.

    More than 120,000 septic tanks have been installed in rural areas like East Anglia over the last 20 years, and new environmental regulations designed to reduce pollution in watercourses means owners of these properties need to act now.

    Marsh Industries can undertake a free site survey and supply the best sewage treatment plant for your needs at competitive prices. Call us on 01933 654582 or email quoting 'Caroline Offer' for a 10% discount.

    Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2014 came into force on 1 January 2015 and created General Binding Rules (GBRs) for septic tanks or small sewage treatment plants for domestic use. These rules are designed to reduce the level of pollution from sewage in the nation’s watercourses.

    Under the new General Binding Rules, if you have a septic tank that discharges directly to surface water, ie, a water ditch, stream, river, etc, you must upgrade or replace your septic tank to a full sewage treatment plant system by 1st January 2020, or sooner if you plan to sell your property before this date.

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