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    Marsh provides further merchant support with ‘Trade Talk’ video series


    Marsh Industries, a leader in off-mains drainage solutions, has launched a new series of product knowledge videos for distributors and merchants.

    The new series, aptly named ‘Trade Talk’, is intended to provide viewers a better understanding of the wide spectrum of Marsh products in condensed, two- to three-minute video segments.

    The videos briefly describe the advantages of Marsh products and can be used as in-house product training and trade counter display for customers.

    “Trade Talk is released in tandem with Marsh Pinnacle-AV, an AI-driven sales tool that is aimed to minimise estimation time and burden on merchant’s sales personnel,” explains Managing Director Steve Boyer.

    The main goals of Trade Talk and Pinnacle-AV are to help merchants save time and, more importantly, to help them increase their sales.

    The first video, covering the Marsh domestic wastewater treatment range, is already available and can be viewed at

    The rest of the series will cover the following product ranges:

    • Commercial wastewater treatment: Ultra:Polylok and Marsh:Standard
    • Domestic and commercial pump stations
    • Oil separators: Hydroil, Marator and grease/silt traps

    For merchants and distributors who need copies of the videos for in-house use, please get in touch with the Marsh team on 01933 654582 or