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    Marsh launches ‘Gem-APS’ phosphate and ammonia reduction unit


    Marsh Industries, the leader in the field of off-mains drainage products, has announced the launch of the Marsh GEM-APS (Aerated Precipitation System).

    The Gem-APS reduces phosphates, ammonia and BOD levels to meet the most stringent consent standards, providing confidence for end-users and specifiers.

    The aerated precipitation system treats effluent discharge in a controlled process involving small doses of chemical and oxygen that can then be discharged to a watercourse, ditch or drainage field.

    Tested to EN12566-7-Annex A for up to 50PE, the Gem-APS is a tertiary treatment plant that can be installed at the outlet end of new or existing sewage treatment plants.

    Initial test results at the PIA notified Test Centre, Aachen, were:
    Phosphate: 0.9mg/l
    NH4-N: 0.4mg/l
    BOD: 2.0mg/l

    Marsh Managing Director, Steve Boyer, who oversaw the testing procedures said “It is almost a given notion that our products have a positive effect on the environment, however over the past year we have received increasing demand from all sectors asking us for independently verified testing of our products that demonstrates their environmental impact. The Gem-APS provides end-users and specifiers additional confidence in our range of environmentally sensitive waste water solutions.”

    Gem-APS plants can be supplied in larger sizes (additional sizing was submitted as part of the EN12566-7 testing process) and can be regulated to reduce phosphate levels further if required.

    Marsh offers commissioning and servicing of the Gem-APS. It is strongly advised this service is used when setting up the unit.

    For further information and plant sizing, or if you want to discuss your next project, contact the Marsh technical team on or call 01933 654582.

    Marsh Gem-APS