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    Advanced sewage treatment plant

    HS Policy Manual



    It is the general policy of Marsh Industries that all reasonably practicable steps shall be taken to ensure the health, safety and welfare of its employees and the protection of those not in its employ but who may be affected by the operation of its plant.

    The company will pay particular regard to: –

    • The provision and maintenance of a safe working environment without risks to health or safety, together with adequate facilities and arrangements for the welfare of those at work.
    • The provision and maintenance of plant, equipment and systems of work that are safe and without risks to health
    • The provision of such information, instruction, training and supervision as is necessary to ensure the health and safety at work of employees and visitors
    • The maintenance of safe access to and egress from the workplace together with specified procedures to be followed in the event of an emergency
    • The provision of safe arrangements for the use, handling and transportation of articles and
      substances used by the company

    All levels of management are responsible for achieving the company’s health and safety aims. Each management level is accountable to the one above and is responsible for the one below. Management will give a positive lead in organising health and safety activities, supported by
    outside professional assistance where required.

    Employees are under legal obligations to co-operate fully with management by looking after the health and safety of themselves and others, by using all protective equipment provided, following the company’s safety rules and any training given, and by immediately reporting any risks to anybody in the workplace to their immediate superior.

    A Health and Safety Committee has been established for staff participation in health and safety arrangements and to ensure adherence to health and safety policies and their development.

    All contractors and other authorised persons working on, or visiting, the company must conform to both our Health and Safety Policy and our “Rules for Contractors” at all times.

    Throughout the organisation all working methods and systems will be assessed, in order to minimise risk to all concerned. Legislation in matters of health, safety or welfare is to be regarded as a minimum level only; the company believes that joint efforts to achieve higher standards will be to the benefit of all concerned.

    This Health and Safety Policy document will be fully reviewed at 2-yearly intervals. In between it will be revised whenever significant changes take place such as alterations to working practices, the introduction of new equipment, changes in legislation, etc.

    The Managing Director gives full backing to this policy and will support all those who endeavour to carry it out.


    The organisation of the company is set out in a chart displayed on the company notice board. It indicates both line management and health and safety responsibilities.

    Whilst the Managing Director has ultimate responsibility for ensuring that Marsh Industries achieves and maintains a satisfactory performance in health and safety matters, he will devolve many of the responsibilities for ensuring that this is achieved to individual managers, team leaders and employees. The responsibilities delegated to each level for health, safety and
    environmental purposes are set out below.

    A. Managing Director

    1. Ensures that the company’s activities are conducted in such a way that employees, contractors, visitors and the general public are not exposed to risks to their health and safety from the company’s activities. Authorises adequate resources, including adequate funds, to meet health and safety requirements.
    2. Appoints a co-ordinator to steer and develop the health and safety management system.
    3. Ensures that a Health and Safety Committee is established and maintained.
    4. Takes those health & safety responsibilities allocated to the Health and Safety CoOrdinator below on all occasions when the Health and Safety Co-Ordinator is not present on site.

    B. Health and Safety Co-Ordinator (Lianda & Neil)

    1.  Ensures that all team leaders understand, actively support and implement the Health and Safety Policy, in particular their own individual responsibilities and the arrangements set out within this health and safety policy document.
    2. Takes responsibility for being aware of major hazards and ensures that Managers and Team Leaders make periodic checks to ensure that safety precautions, procedures, equipment, etc., as laid out in this manual, are being adhered to.
    3. Assesses the health and safety performance of the company through a system of regular inspections and by examining accident and ill-health statistics. Initiates action to reverse any adverse trends and to reduce lost time wherever possible.
    4. Ensures, generally through the management structure, that job safety requirements and safe working systems, where appropriate, are established for jobs and that these and all other health and safety requirements are made known to employees by adequate training.
    5. Identifies training requirements to meet both statutory obligations and best practice in health and safety and maintains a record of those employees who undertake training.
    6. Ensures that any changes to buildings, processes and equipment, conform to the relevant safety legislation.
    7. Ensures that adequate and up-to-date Acts and Regulations are communicated, that warning signs are displayed as appropriate and that health and safety information posters are displayed as required.
    8. Liaises with external advisors for ongoing knowledge and guidance on compliance to health and safety legislation and good practice.
    9. Maintains records of principal health and safety contacts, such as Insurers.

    C. Managers and Team Leaders KH & NJ

    1.  Contributes to and fully supports the health and safety policy.
    2. Ensures that subordinates are so informed, instructed, supervised and trained that they can fully implement the provisions of the health and safety policy.
    3. Is informed about statutory legislation, common law requirements, Approved Codes of Practice and other relevant standards as they affect the health and safety performance of the area for which he holds responsibility.
    4. Maintains interest and enthusiasm for healthy and safe working amongst all subordinates.
    5. Continuously monitors health and safety performance within their area of responsibility, initiating action to reverse adverse trends and to attain best practice in consultation with the Group Operations Director.
    6. Ensures that accident/dangerous occurrence information is completed as soon as practicable and sent immediately to the Group Operations Director. Ensures that all incidents resulting in damage to company property and all dangerous occurrences are also
    7. Prohibits the use of any machine, process, area or substance where a hazard warrants it.
    8. Ensures prompt attention is given to repair and maintenance requirements, with special priority being given wherever there are health or safety implications.
    9. Ensures that employees are aware that health and safety equipment is available and that it is used in accordance with the requirements laid down in this health and safety policy. Checks on the correct use and maintenance of protective equipment.
    10. Ensures that access to all emergency exits, fire alarm points and fire extinguishers is maintained at all times.
    11. Ensures that the highest standards of housekeeping are maintained within his area of

    D. Employees

    1. Making themselves familiar with, and observe the company’s Health and Safety Policy, health and safety rules, safety procedures and safe methods of working.
    2. Taking all due care for the health and safety of themselves, their fellow employees, contractors, visitors or any other persons on site.
    3. Co-operating with the company in the implementation and observation of all statutory requirements, this health and safety policy and good working practices.
    4. Not misusing or interfering with anything provided by the company in the interests of health and safety at work.
    5. Wearing and using the appropriate personal protective equipment in accordance with company requirements and using safety equipment as instructed.
    6. Reporting all accidents and dangerous occurrences to their immediate line manager.
    7. Only using machinery, equipment, substances, etc., in the workplace in accordance with training and instructions given.
    8. Informing their line manager of any work situation which could present a serious risk to the health or safety of themselves, another employee or a visitor to the company.

    In addition to any disciplinary action which may be taken for breaches of personal responsibility for health and safety, in the case of breaches of statutory requirements individuals may be held personally liable under the law.

    F. Visitors to Company Premises

    1. To observe the company health and safety rules as laid down in the company health and safety policy and the instructions given by persons enforcing that policy
    2. Not to work on the premises until permission has been granted, either through the “Rules for Contractors” or, in the case of other visitors, by verbal permission. All relevant rules must be understood and accepted.

    G. Health and Safety Committee
    The Health and Safety Committee is made up of Management and Employee representatives.

    The Committee meets at regular intervals, no longer than once every 4 months. Minutes are taken and distributed.

    The objective of the Committee is to ensure appropriate consultation takes place with staff in respect of any changes that may affect the health, safety or welfare of staff or others affected by the company’s activities. Furthermore the Committee provides a suitable forum to discuss health and safety plans and review performance and potential improvements.


    This section of the health and safety policy contains the arrangements for implementing health and safety at Marsh. The arrangements will be reviewed, as with the rest of the health and safety policy, on a regular basis and will be modified and added to as time goes on.

    Accidents and Incident Reporting

    Following the application of first aid measures, first aid injury accidents will be recorded on a DSS Accident Report Form. BI510 by the First Aider or other responsible person.

    Managers shall sign accident forms relating to their area of responsibility.

    All dangerous occurrences must also be reported to the Manager of the area concerned, whether or not there is an injury and regardless of whether damage results to plant or equipment.

    Where an accident occurs on a client site, this must be reported by telephone to the General Operations Manager. Lianda shall complete an Accident Report Form. Attention must also be given to following local reporting arrangements with the client.

    All accidents and dangerous occurrences will initially be investigated by the Manager of the area concerned. Where a significant issue has arisen, a brief written report may be supplied to the directors

    Accident forms are forwarded to the Commercial Manager who shall maintain them as the responsible person.

    Once the Director has been informed, he will carry out further investigations as necessary and authorise any remedial action to be taken to prevent further occurrence.

    The Director and or Lianda Phillips shall decide whether it is necessary to report incidents as required under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) and action accordingly.


    Employees are to be authorised by their Manager to use plant and equipment provided. No employee shall use any plant or equipment unless authorised to do so. In particular, the following items of plant may only be used by employees who have been specifically trained and appointed:

    • Fork lift trucks
    • Company vehicles
    • Handling equipment
    • Catering equipment in the kitchen/training area


    Informal consultations between management and employees are an essential part of day-to-day arrangements for ensuring health and safety and should take place whenever appropriate. Any issues should be first raised with an employee’s Manager.

    Such consultation is encouraged. Health and safety issues should be raised whenever they are first noticed; this is a legal requirement.

    The company has a Health and Safety Committee that meets, as a minimum, 3 times a year.

    Minutes of meetings are taken and these are circulated accordingly and displayed on the notice board.

    Control of Contractors

    The control of contractors and other site visitors is fully covered in the “Rules for Contractors” which form an attachment to this health and safety policy.

    A Permit to Work (PTW) policy applies, for work undertaken on the premises to ensure hazard arising from higher risk activities such as hot work and work at height. A PTW must be obtained before work commences.

    Control of Substances Hazardous to Health

    Information on new substances will be obtained by the Directors prior to carrying out any assessment. Assessments will be carried out by the Directors and substances only used following approval.

    Material Safety Data Sheets and Risk Assessments will be issued to staff as deemed necessary, and with a central record held by the Directors.

    All employees must familiarise themselves with the Risk Assessments and Material Safety Data Sheets for the materials and substances with which they are working and comply with the precautions identified in identified.


    As required by the Health and Safety at Work Act, all employees must;

    • Take all reasonable care for their own safety and that of any others affected by their acts or omissions. Things you do, and don’t do.
    • Co-Operate with the company to allow Health and Safety policies to be met.
    • Not, interfere with or misuse anything provided in the interests of health and safety. For
      example you must never block a fire exit, or bypass a machine guard.

    These are legal requirements and therefore the company reserves the right to take disciplinary action in accordance with procedures against anyone deemed to be in breach of these requirements.

    It should be noted that individuals breaching such requirements may also be subject to separate criminal action by the relevant enforcement authorities.
    Further advice and requirements regarding Gross Misconduct is contained in the Safety Rules section of the Employee Safety Handbook issued individually to all staff.

    Display Screen Equipment

    These provisions apply to those classified as “Users” under legislation.

    Each workstation will be assessed and the requirements checked against legislation. The daily work routine of users will be analysed and, where requested, an eye and eyesight test will be available to employees classified as “Users”.

    Appropriate information and training on the correct adjustment and layout of the workstation will be provided, as will advice on correct methods of working. The HSE publication “Working with VDUs” INDG36 is distributed to each applicable member of staff.

    Risk Assessments will be held by the Directors who shall periodically ensure that all staff, and particularly new starters, have had risk assessments completed.

    Electrical Equipment

    The main electrical services to fixed plant and equipment, including distribution of power supplies, will be maintained in accordance with current requirements. All fixed services will be examined and tested by a competent electrical engineer at least once every 5 years.

    All portable electrical equipment will be recorded and inspections carried out at suitable intervals by a competent electrician. Inspection intervals will be determined by a competent electrician having regard to the use and duty to which the equipment is put. Records will be maintained by the Directors.


    Emergency Procedures and Fire Arrangements

    Should an emergency occur on the company’s premises or affecting those premises, the person responsible for co-ordinating all procedures will be the Director on site or the works manager.

    The procedure to be followed in the event of any emergency, such as a fire necessitating evacuation, will be as follows:

    • The alarm will be raised by any person discovering a fire by breaking the nearest “break-glass” alarm point.
    • On hearing the alarm, Reception staff will telephone the Fire Brigade, if it is safe to do so.
    • All employees and others present on the site will leave the building using the nearest exit and report to their Manager, or to the person whom they are visiting, at the assembly point which is located in the car park.
    • A sweep system is in place to ensure full evacuation of all areas of the premises, with responsibilities allocated and displayed on notice boards.
    • The site should not be re-entered until instructions are received either from the emergency coordinator or a member of the Fire Service
    • The person discovering the fire must only attack the fire if this is possible without taking any personal risk and always ensuring that an escape route is available away from the fire. In any case only one extinguisher should be used before making evacuation.
    • When working on client sites, site staff must identify the local fire arrangements before starting work.


    The company will provide a sufficient number of trained First Aiders and an adequate supply of first-aid boxes whose contents will be maintained in accordance with HSE recommendations by the Principal First Aider.

    Company vehicles are equipped with First Aid Containers, with the contents kept under review by the allocated driver of each vehicle.

    Whenever an incident involving personal injury or illness takes place, the first action should be to contact the nearest first aider whose names appear on notice boards throughout the company.

    Reference should also be made to the policies identified in the sections on Accident Reporting, above.

    Gas Cylinders

    With the exception of certain cylinders, all gas cylinders will be retained in position at all times by means of a chain, strap or other suitable means in order to prevent them from being dislodged. Flashback arrestors will be provided on all appropriate equipment.

    The company has limited use of gas products, essentially in relation to the Fork Lift Truck. Cylinders are stored in a safe and secure area.

    Housekeeping and Inspections for Health & Safety

    The Director and Works Manager will, on a programmed basis, carry out a formal inspection of the areas for which they hold responsibility, to monitor and ensure good housekeeping.
    Particular attention will be given to:

    • Fire exits and the routes leading to them
    • The maintenance of floor surfaces in all areas including work areas, passageways, gangways, etc. They should be kept free from litter, trailing cables, grease, oil or any other item or materials which should not be there
    • Maintenance and integrity of all stairs and access steps and platforms

    Regular inspections of the working area will be carried out by each Manager on a-monthly basis. Remedial action will be instigated by Managers.
    Inspections will also be carried out by the company’s health and safety advisers, including an annual audit of health and safety management systems.


    The company will provide insurance in accordance with legislative requirements to cover employers’ liability, public liability, the use of motor vehicles, etc. and other insurance as deemed appropriate.

    Lifting Equipment

    All lifting equipment, together with lift trucks, tail lifts and other lifting equipment and accessories
    will be thoroughly examined and tested in accordance with statutory requirements. Such checks are undertaken by arrangement with the company’s insurance provider.

    The Logistics Manager will carry responsibility for ensuring that these requirements are met.

    Lifting Operations

    Lifting, slinging and storage operations shall be carried out in accordance with training given and best practice. Only correct lifting and material movement methods may be used; training will be provided by the company, together with written information on safe, approved, lifting methods.

    Machinery & Other Plant

    When new equipment is to be purchased, the Works Manger will ensure that standards of safety will meet legal obligations. The implementation of health and safety legislative requirements can be best achieved when plant or equipment is being specified. This allows for equipment suitable to the task to be specified in order to remove hazards and to minimise risks.

    Health and Safety considerations are taken into account during any procurement process.

    Machinery Guarding

    Where applicable, all guards and other protective devices must be in position before work is commenced on any machine. Examples can include grinders and other such power tools. The floor adjacent to the machine must be kept clean and free of grease, oil, etc., and the speeds
    and feeds for the machine must not exceed manufacturers’ recommendations.

    It is the responsibility of each Manager to ensure that machinery guards are maintained in good condition. Regular checks of guarding will be carried out by the Manager of each area, whose responsibility it is to ensure that guarding is always available whenever the machinery is in use.

    Manual Handling

    A suitable and sufficient risk assessment will be conducted for all manual handling operations. Where reasonably practicable, such operations will be avoided. The company will endeavour to minimise risks of injury where it is not possible to avoid manual handling, with appropriate equipment and/or training being provided where necessary.


    Noise induced hearing loss is not considered an issue for concern within the activities undertaken by company.

    Through training, employees are expected to identify short term exposures that may occasionally arise, for example when using grinders, and to use the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) such as hearing protectors, that is available.

    Personal Clothing

    Suitable personal clothing will be worn by employees at all times. To protect such clothing, overalls and aprons are available.
    Corporate workwear will be provided as necessary.

    Personal Protective Equipment

    Assessments of all operations within the company have been carried out and from these have been determined the specific requirements for personal protective equipment (PPE). All necessary PPE required for the protection of employees will be provided by the company. Such
    equipment will comply with current legislative requirements and must be worn at all appropriate times.

    Employees will be asked to sign a declaration to show that they have received the necessary equipment and intend to wear it.

    Pressure systems

    There are no pressure systems in operation on the company premises.

    Risk Assessments

    Suitable and sufficient risk assessments have been carried out for all work areas, processes and equipment to establish:

    • The risks to health and safety of employees to which they are exposed whilst they are at work.
    • The risks to the health and safety of persons not in the company’s employment,
      arising out of, or in connection with, the conduct by them of their undertaking

    Controls, to reduce risks to the lowest level reasonably practicable have been identified and are incorporated as part of the company’s health and safety management arrangements.

    Safe Systems of Working

    With regard to safe systems of both maintenance and production working, these have been defined following the general risk assessments carried out throughout the company. They must be followed at all times.

    Method statements are provided where necessary for client site work.


    Marsh Industries recognise that work and/or domestic pressures can sometimes lead to stress related issues which in turn can adversely affect employee’s health and work performance.

    If an employee suspects that they may be suffering from stress or have other personal problems, these should in the first instance be discussed with their manager. If it is not appropriate to raise issues with the Manager then contact can be made with the Directors

    Any such conversations relating to personal matters will be treated as confidential.

    The company policy is to wherever possible to avoid undue pressure on staff, and to support staff at times of need when seeking to overcome personal issues.
    Guidance regarding stress, provided by the Health and Safety Executive and including advice on symptoms and control measures, is available, confidentially, from the EEF & Northgate.


    In accordance with legislation, smoking is prohibited inside all buildings.

    A smoking shelter is provided in the car park. This is the only place where smoking is permitted.
    Staff attending client sites must identify local rules and comply with these.

    Smoking is prohibited in any company vehicles that may be shared with other employees as passengers or allocated to other drivers.

    Training in Health & Safety

    It is company policy to provide training for all employees on health and safety issues so that safe working procedures and methods are known. This will enable the proper precautions to be taken to avoid injury either to oneself or others.

    Particular training requirements will relate, for example, to the correct use of equipment, lifting equipment, display screen equipment and fire arrangements, etc.

    Re-training will be provided at appropriate intervals or when persons are transferred from one job to another.


    Company vehicles may only be used by those authorised to do so.

    All employees driving company vehicles on the public roads are responsible for:

    • Checking the general roadworthiness of the vehicle prior to setting out on a journey including as a minimum:
      Fuel level, Oil and Screen Wash levels, the correct functioning of electrical equipment including lights and horn – and the location of their controls, the condition of tyres.
    • Driving at all times in accordance with the Highway Code.
    • Co-operating with the company in observing the legal limits governing a driver’s working hours. Employees will be held responsible for ensuring that these rules are adhered to.
    • reporting any defect with the vehicle as soon as this is practically possible
    • A first-aid box will be provided in each vehicle. Responsibility for its maintenance lies with
      the driver of the vehicle, or where this is not specifically allocated, the Principal First Aider.

    Policies regarding the taking of breaks are contained in the Company Handbook, to which reference should be made.

    Mobile phones should not be used in vehicles unless in hands free made.

    All employees must be aware of the need to ensure driving safety is of paramount importance and that it may be necessary to delay calls, even when using hands free, until such time as a safe environment can be achieved. For example until a busy junction negotiated.


    Vibration is not an issue for concern within the activities undertaken by Marsh Industries.

    Through training, employees are expected to identify short term exposures that may occasionally arise, for example when using grinders, and report any changes in the duration or application such equipment may occasionally be used so that a further risk assessment can be undertaken.


    In the interests of the personal health and safety of visitors and to assist with site security, the following rules will apply to all visitors:

    • The visitors’ register in the reception area must be completed on arrival and departure.
    • Unless by specific agreement, visitors must be accompanied by, or be supervised by, an employee at all times whilst on the site. This includes accompanying the visitor back to the reception area following the visit
    • company health and safety notices and all applicable health and safety rules must be complied with, as must any instructions given by persons acting on behalf of the company
    • Appropriate protective clothing and/or equipment must be worn in accordance with the requirements of the health and safety policy and any risk assessments.
    • visitors must keep to gangways in working areas unless authorised by a responsible person to move into a work area

    Waste Disposal

    General waste will be disposed of into the small bins positioned around the site. Office cleaners will then remove such items. The waste will be loaded daily into the marked waste skip and removed by a registered contractor. Waste transfer notes will be received and kept by the

    Logistics Manager.

    With regard to scrap metal, this will be placed directly into the marked skip or into the bins provided within the workshop. These are marked for the purpose. The skip will be removed by the company’s approved contractor when full, as above.

    Sanitary waste will be removed by a contractor, with appropriate waste transfer notes again being provided.

    Certified customer waste will be disposed of in accordance with legislation under the responsibility of the Logistics Manager

    Welfare and Health Provisions

    In the interests of ensuring good personal hygiene within the company, the company provides facilities such as toilets, washing areas, drinking water and rest room facilities. These facilities should be used as appropriate and care taken in maintaining their condition for the benefit of others.

    Occupational Health?

    Work at Height/Ladders

    Ladders, steps and platforms are used on site for short term access, and all related activities have been subject to risk assessment.

    A register of ladders, steps and platforms is held by the Service Manager and periodic inspections are undertaken, as a minimum on a quarterly basis to ensure that all such equipment is in a safe condition. Equipment is marked with a unique reference number.

    Any defects must be noted and equipment withdrawn from use until repair.

    Works Rules

    A series of “Company Rules”, in addition to this policy, have been developed in order to ensure the healthy and safe running of the company. These form part of the official company policy.

    The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 gives clear duties to all employees to comply with company health and safety arrangements, to take reasonable care for their own safety and that of others affected by their acts or omissions, and not to misuse of interfere with anything provided in the interests of health and safety.

    Employees will be disciplined in accordance with the procedure laid down in their Statement of

    Terms for any breach of health and safety rules, of safe working methods or of any other health and safety policy requirement.