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    BMF Supplier Engagement Award 2017


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    Marsh Industries is proud to announce the company has been selected as a finalist for the BMF Supplier Engagement Awards 2017.

    The award, which has been sponsored by MRA Marketing for the second year running, recognises those suppliers who have worked closely with the BMF during the last 12 months.

    The shortlisted companies have all successfully integrated the BMF as a core element of their sales and marketing strategies. In addition to this great support has been shown for the BMF through attendance of meetings, events and sponsorship of one of the BMF events.

    We would like to congratulate last year’s winner JCB and wish the best of luck to all of this year’s finalists.

    Marsh, along with 7 other finalists and many companies, will be attending the Members’ Day Awards Dinner on 20 September.

    You can book your place at Members’ Day now at or for more details contact June Upton at